Saturday, November 26, 2011

How to Become More Elegant Than Chanel

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I remembered the teacher who give us the first song's lesson, and her dress really makes people feel shocked.They are old shanghai cheongsam about 30 years ago in the last century, velvet shawls, plusing pan head.When she cadence to chant the poetry, her words brought us back to Song,and I still vividly remembered every word in each scene so far.At that time, we continue to applaud for her.I found that the elegant is really not only spread out in stage, and each woman has her elegant side, as long as you are willing to explore.I recommend to you about chanel bags online shopping .

Wether a woman is elegant has nothing to do with her looks,with Chanel or with her tall stature as well as the money, occupation,position and so on.Elegance is just a sense, as long as you understand this truth, anyone can be grace and elegance!Please note, good moral character is a good prerequisite of beauty and elegance for a woman. Exudes evil woman will always has the air of hypocritical, artificial, cold, conceited, snobbish, and intrigue. There is just a stiff bladder without the support of good moral character.The beauty of a woman is real ,a unique landscape anda delight indeed only if she has rich inner world, and is full of love, enthusiasm, perseverance and confidence. Fragrance is diffuse from the inside,but appearance can only bring temporary magic and illusion.The lasting beauty can only ever be the sense of grace and goodness. Always having a dream, but not greed; be furious anger, but never hysterical; sincere, candid, relaxed, but not for all people; quiet but not weak; believe in yourself but not too much ,which make elegant is not a difficult thing for all of woman.Perhaps you will interested ni chanel bags online shopping

Elegance is the fragrance coming from the heart.

Most men will tell you: "The most important thing is the heart." But if he is not intended to your look, and he did not even have the idea to know of you.Therefore, the appearance is really important !No matter you are already a mother, looks are all you have to emphasize such as hair, clothing, skin, nails, legs, feet, etc.You should try to maintain all the details of your body. In addition to be a moral beauty, you should do a detailed beauty.Also, the sense of modesty and shame can also let you add a lot of charm. Decent and elegant dress is your most important external manifestations.Do not wear exposed things, and do not be an exaggeration.there should not be so many colors, keep clothes clean, is your respect for others.

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Be a detailed beauty

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